Advancing Early Detection for Better Outcomes
GoCheck Kids is a pediatric screening platform that promotes screening speed best practices and improves efficacy and workflows.
Catch Vision Disorders Early

The most common vision disorders in children are:


These refractive errors are risk factors for amblyopia. The chances of developing amblyopia are high if risk factors aren’t detected at the right age.
Visual Acuity Testing Looks At The Entire Visual Pathway

Tests using HOTV optotypes are recommended for vision screening in young children.

Tests using Sloan optotypes are recommended for vision screening with children that can read letters.
GoCheck Kids Digital Acuity Combines Best-Practice Methods

Innovative Solution
GoCheck Kids’ innovative testing logic is designed to be as effective as visual acuity testing in a pediatric ophthalmology setting.
This smartphone-based solution uses modified Amblyopia Treatment Studies (ATS) and ETDRS protocols with Sloan optotypes, crowding bars, and sophisticated algorithms.

Start at Age 4
The GoCheck Kids digital visual acuity test is best started at age 4 (the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Ophthalmology, and American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus recommendation).1

Early Treatment
Reduced vision contributes to learning and socializing issues and even permanent vision loss. Effective testing at a young age means children can get the treatment they need before before their visual system has finished developing.

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